What if you could reverse dis-ease and aging while you sleep?

The power that made the body heals the body. This incredible technology recharges every cell of your body with a wireless transmission of energy. It creates a hyper healthy energetic environment that we would have in an ideal world.

We are dealing with extreme radiation poisoning on the planet. We are bombarded 24/7 with toxins in the air, water and food. The EESystem helps your body stay strong no matter what you’re exposed to. It activates the light within. Jumper cables to the body, it is a physical and spiritual technology that reminds you who you are and all that you have access to.

“It needs to be everywhere fast.” - Dr. Michael

There isn’t anything it’s not good for. It activates and mobilizes the stem cells because that is our mechanism of healing.

We are bodies of light and the EESystem brings people back into alignment balancing our own field through light technology. It allows the body to do what it’s been trying to do all along and that is function perfectly.



$40 Per hour - 2 hrs. minimum (Regularly $50 per hour - 2 hrs. minimum)

$80 2 hour session (Regularly $100)

$160 4 hour session (Regularly $200)

  • Also, buy one hour get the second hour free for first timers. That is $40 for 2 hours !!

Meet the Inventor

Dr. Michael is a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine with a background in biophysics, quantum and nuclear physics. Throughout her life she has been a member of MENSA, a high IQ society of individuals scoring in the 98th percentile or higher on intelligence tests. She was born to hyper-genius parents who met in the government sector of engineering physics. Her mother was a nuclear physicist, and her father was an aerospace electrical, mechanical and structural engineer. He worked on stealth bombers and Mach 3. She was conceived at Tesla’s power plant at Niagara Falls on her parents’ honeymoon. Throughout the pregnancy her mother was working on nuclear bomb technology, and she came into the world with a heavy load of radiation damage. Her life quest has been figuring out how to heal the body from the negative impacts of this technology. 

In the 1970s, Dr. Michael started her work in the fields of chiropractic, reflexology, Ayurveda, nutrition, acupressure, Rife technology and radionics. By 1978 she had built her first scalar healing light chamber, which incorporated materials from NASA and generated scalar waves and biophoton energy. It was then that she began seeing healing miracles, one person at a time. Her goal from that point forward was to advance the technology to be able to help humanity on a grander scale. 

Come sit, meditate; sleep in our Energy Room! The Energy Room is a breath of fresh air that your cells need!

Things to know

  • • One or two pillows

    • Blanket

    • Water Bottle

    • Ear Plugs (optional)

    • Eye Mask (optional)

  • The more hydrated and supple your cells are, the more capable they are of receiving and retaining scalar charge.

  • The EE System is not healing you, and does not pinpoint what YOU want healed. The EE System creates an optimal environment allowing your cells to rest and recharge which allows the repair of DNA, which in turn stimulates your body to begin fixing and flushing out problems according to your body’s hierarchy of needs. To repeat, the EE System does not heal you; your body heals you. There is no way to determine what area you may find improvement in, and not all ailments have symptoms that will produce noticeable change.


    The Inventor of the Energy Enhancement System, Dr. Sandra Rose Michael “insists” on a 30 minute salt bath after each session, and recommends additional soaks in the days that follow. This is necessary for the detoxification and healing process. If neglected, achy joints, headaches and body aches can result.

    We have a special salt blend available for sale. Epsom salts are not a substitute as they contain different ingredients. If full body baths aren’t an option a foot bath is highly recommended.

  • The most popular question we get is “How often should I come and how long of a session should I do?”

    Our best answer is work towards a base of 20 hours. Work within your budget and keep those 20 hours as close together as possible. Many people who travel from out of state accomplish 20 hours over a 3 to 5 day period. Those who live more locally are doing 4 hours to 6 hours 2x a week until they reach 20 hours and then weekly until goals are met.

    People have reported small changes in even a two hour session such as smell returning from COVID damage, pain relief and improved hearing. For others it may take the 20 hours to notice changes. It’s important to remember that your body is choosing what it wants to heal, and not all things have symptoms. Often, the symptoms we have that cause discomfort are coming from a much bigger problem that may take time. Remember, we spent our whole life getting to the state we are in, it may take several sessions to get you to your goals.

Thank you for your Service!

As a thank you for the service and sacrifices you’ve made for us, we proudly offer United States Military Veterans, Active United States Personnel and all First Responders access to a free two hour session on the first Tuesday of the month.

Reports from veterans include decreased PTSD symptoms, decreased anxiety, improved ability to sleep through the night and pain reduction.